Organizația caritabilă cu cele mai multe voturi este eligibilă pentru a primi 50% din fondul de caritate pentru regiunea sa. Celelalte vor împărți în mod egal restul. Poți alege o organizație caritabilă din orice regiune participantă, dar poți vota o singură dată!
ReachOut Australia
As the pioneer of an online model of mental health support for young people all over Australia, ReachOut helps young people access a range of mental health services that are available when and where they need it. From one-to-one peer support and moderated online communities, to tips, stories and resources, ReachOut is 100% online, anonymous and confidential.
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Ardoch is a children’s education charity focused on improving educational outcomes for children and young people in disadvantaged communities. Our vision is that every child’s potential is realised through full participation in education. This belief inspires us to increase engagement in education, build aspirations and enhance learning outcomes of children in disadvantaged communities.
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FareShare Australia
FareShare mobilizes volunteers to cook delicious, free meals from rescued, donated and homegrown ingredients to improve the lives of Australians in hardship. We believe that every Australian deserves a nutritious meal, regardless of their circumstances or location.
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