기부처 선택

표를 가장 많이 받은 자선 단체는 해당 지역에 할당된 기금의 50%를 받습니다. 나머지는 남은 단체에 동등하게 분배됩니다. 참여 지역의 자선 단체 중 아무 데나 선택할 수 있으며 한 번만 투표할 수 있습니다!
뉴질랜드 | 국가 변경
Sustainable Coastlines Charitable Trust
기후 대책
Sustainable Coastlines brings people together to reduce plastic pollution and other litter to protect the moana we all love. We operate nationwide, inspiring change through beach clean-ups, education, and litter data collection. Our goal is to see 60% less litter on the coastlines of Aotearoa New Zealand by 2030.
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Kiwi Harvest
기아 종식
KiwiHarvest collects good food before it goes to waste and gets it to those in need, reducing the negative impacts of food waste on our environment by redistributing excess food. Every month KiwiHarvest rescues 170,000 - 200,000Kg of good quality surplus food, and diverts this back to people who are struggling across New Zealand.
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Ako Mātātupu: Teach First NZ
Ako Mātātupu is an Indigenous-led social change organisation and initial teacher education provider. We seek an Aotearoa in which every young person realises their potential. In service of this kaupapa we gather great people together to train as teachers and leaders in schools serving communities made vulnerable by structural inequities.
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