اختر منظمتك الخيرية

ستكون المنظمة الخيرية الحائزة على أكبر عدد من الأصوات مؤهلة للحصول على 50% من مجموع المبالغ الخيرية المخصص لمنطقتها. بينما ستتقاسم المنظمات الأخرى باقي المبالغ بالتساوي. يمكنك اختيار منظمة خيرية من أي منطقة مشاركة، لكن سيكون بإمكانك التصويت مرة واحدة فقط!
Second Harvest Canada
محاربة الجوع
Second Harvest's vision is "No Waste. No Hunger." Our mission is to grow our innovative, efficient food recovery network to fuel people and reduce the environmental impact of avoidable food waste. We find surplus, edible food that businesses can’t use, and through our food recovery network, get it to the people in our communities who need it.
اكتشف المزيد
Pathways to Education Canada
Pathways to Education provides the resources and network of support for youth in low-income communities to graduate from high school and build the foundation for a successful future. Our goal is to ensure that one day, every young person in Canada can graduate from high school.
اكتشف المزيد
Hull Services
الصحة النفسية
Hull provides leading edge mental health services to children, youth, and families who have experienced significant challenges. Our vision is for resilient young people and families to thrive within communities that support their mental health and well-being.
اكتشف المزيد